What A New Day!


What A New Day!

To Trump & Q


What a new day

for our new born planet!

What glorious a time we finally met!


Rejoice, my brothers, 

for such great a marvel,

but once it comes, we’ll second never get!


Rejoice, for our

enslavement days are finished!

The tide has turned, the darkness all dissolved!


The monsters brought 

to Light, from monstrous tunnels,

our children all, salvaged through actions bold.


A day so new, 

all great Creation losing

all hopes, to ever see us free again!


For eons after eons

monsters power,

in prison kept us, decimated, slain.


A New Day,  this May Day,

forever holy!

Bless them, all mighty heroes, God bless!


For liberating

Universe and planet!

Today we don new, celebration dress!


Trump and the swamp








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